Nacho Ibanez
Thanks in advance for your time and feel free to get it touch wiht us.
There is no risk for giving us a trial to look for high added value solutions for your organization.
The service we offer you is to analyze your potential projects/products under zero cost and be able to inform you about some business opportunities that your company might have by working together with our organization.
2. Normal series of products which have high added value for their business where costumer can obtain benefits cause of our high level of experience dealing with Chinese suppliers, restrictive Q inspections, smooth supply chains, accurate delivery times...
1. High runner projects where costumer can obtain high level of benefits cause of big series.
We do have plenty of experience on dealing with big worldwide players for high innovation projects. We look for projects with high added value in terms of:
As stated on the previous small presentation, we are an European export trading & consulting company with production facilities at China. We are here to support costumers to obtain better quotes on their semielaborated products (By analyzing their BOMs) or on the final products.
We are a European export trading & consulting company with the pecularity of having production facilities at China.