If your company is considering to source in China, or are already procuring products from China with unsatisfactory results, ImageICON can guide you through the procurement process and act in your
best interest to gain the best possible savings and outcome.
Unlike many larger companies, Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) are faced with financial constraints, lack of expertise, and/or limited resources to accommodate full-scale procurement in
China. Thus, we realize the ensuing complications, frustrations and overalll reluctance.
Our goal at ImageICON is to eliminate these concerns by proving an unbiased and reliable partner with cost effective solutions. We offers custimized services depending on client needs.
Our fees are based on scope of project and can be in the form of a retainer, per diem, or commission based. Whether it's a focused service or a comprehensive service, ImageICON operates inder
the notion that we are your China procurement office with dedicated staff for daily communication and orchestration of your requirments.
For more information, please visit w w w . i m a g e i c o n c o . c o m
The one you can rely on in China to help you sort through vendors, visit factories, and provide unbiased factory evaluations. |