Dear Sir,
Greetings from Bangladesh. It is our great pleasure to introduce you as we the KYK Traders (RL-418) Manpower Recruiting Agent which is registered by Government Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.
We the KYK traders one of the well established manpower recruiting agency in Bangladesh, KYK traders strictly maintaining QC and prepared peoples to know about the total working environments in all
working sectors as per employers demand. By this time KYK traders have honored in manpower sectors by national and international level for its total business.
From the beginning KYK traders have been extending sincere efforts, hard labor and honesty of purpose to provide service to the principles and their utmost satisfaction. Besides, our concerned
skilled tutors teach to all kinds of manpower (skilled & unskilled) about some basic knowledge such as social, environmental, legal, immigration law, company law, health and hygienic, food and
minimum knowledge of spoken English language to all employees before their departure.
If you need Skilled, Semi-Skilled, Technical, Professional and unskilled Manpower and related many more, please contact to us.
Thanks and best regards,
Md Nizam Uddin
KYK Traders
Recruiting licence-418
28/A/2, Toyenbee Circular Road
Hotel Motijheel (1st floor), Motijheel C/A,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Tel: +880 2 7161188, 9556930
Fax: +880 2 9554490
We are able to supply Skilled, Semi-Skilled, Technical, Professional and unskilled Manpower and related many more.