Vedant Trading is one of the promising organization working as catalyst for exporter around the world & importers in India. We are having team of qualified & experienced people assisting to
Global exporter starting from Indian Market research & Exporter Product potential in India, searching prospective customers, product introduction, Negotiation & services up to Delivery. We work on
product to product & case to case basis. Our mission statement can be stated as below :
? To guide exporter about Indian Markets & its trends.
? To promote alliance between Indian Importer and overseas Exporter.
? To identify items having Import potential.
? To guide for overseas market information, trade fair and exhibitions.
? To maintain association with Trade Delegations coming from abroad.
? To conduct market surveys, procure/secure sample etc.
If you interested to export your products in India, contact us mail us your full details to our email ID
Dear Sir / Madam
Vedant Trading is one of the promising organization working as catalyst for Importer exporter around the world |