Establish now a representation for your company and products in Germany-Europe. For fixed small registration fees we promote your company and products actively. Do your website directly into the Internet in Germany-Europe. Show your products and business service direct in Europe. Customers in the western world find you faster and there is no translation error and no misunderstandings because different language. With our assistance for your company products in Europe are customers have a direct response partners, and have no mistrust and can give an order easier. With our care for your company and advertising and your products are you faster. That increased your business and sales. Also you will get better conacts with European companies for your business and company. We can representation for your company in Germany-Europe for fixed fee of 100,oo USD each month. Or fixed fee for six months=450,oo USD. Inklusiv this price, our performance for you; 1.) Presentation your company on the Internet in Germany-Europe.2.) Always update your products on our website and care control.3.) Processing and transfer of questions from customers/companies4.) Commission for handle trade between you and customers, after agreement. Other our service and costs for mediation of business as you wish. If you are not satisfied with our performance, you can always cancel our contract.Thank you for your interest, and wishing you the very best of business.
To establish a representation of your company in Europe for small fixed fee. So customers & companies will find you faster