Lets be your partner, anchor, representative and companion through the whole African business terrain as. Africa remains an opening and untapped markets with lots of opportunities for products and services which no enterprising company, service providers , investors, suppliers , contractors and individuals pursuing growth and expansion can afford to ignore
What ever your product or services are ,we will afford you 100% risk free entrance into markets and business transactions in any part of Africa , we will physically and personally examine, inquire meet and investigate on your behalf any business contact or proposal coming to you or which you are interested from any part of Africa to save you the risk of wasting time and money or falling victim of any kind or the loss of ignoring genuine proposal or contact based on apathy of past events or information
The word 'SCAM" has become synonymous with Africa and there is no doubt it is having its ugly toll and devastating effects on the business relationship between Africa and the rest of the world as trust which is the bases of credit trading is virtually been wiped away.
We AFRIGATE standing for African Business Gate is a subsidiary of Onap Investment Limited . We are here purely to act as a legitimate and secured gateway and introduction into African business environment as partner, representative and anchor to millions of foreign companies and individuals who want to genuinely do business in Africa with African people and governments.
We AFRIGATE standing for African Business Gateway we are partnershiping with foreign companies /individual into the African mkt