One:Deux International, LLC works to maximize your results at trade shows.
Pre-Exhibition Services
- Establish objectives and budgets
- Assistance to streamline the logistics of booth set-up, distribution of product, exhibition services needed such as electrical, carpet, etc.
- Prepare trade show marketing plan
- Train sales personnel
Lead & Meeting Generation
- Weeks ahead of the show, our professionals conduct an extensive search in your defined target markets, and make direct approaches to prospects to arrange
meetings prior to the exhibition.
Exhibition Strategy
- Every country is unique in terms of communication, interaction and business dealings.
Prior to the exhibition, our U.S. and European staff will work with you to formulate and implement the best strategy.
Exhibition On-Site Support
- We communicate in the customers native language. Our US & EU sales teams provide support in the sales process. Our team will also support you in
response activities post-show, such as follow-up correspondence containing company and product information.
Post-Exhibition Services
- Company sales activities begin at the trade exhibition. One:Deux can manage all of the contacts from the event, turning them into valuable prospects.
Our consultants can establish an ongoing sales support process, to generate sales from exhibition opportunities!