GlobalSuccess International Co. Ltd.We are a Trade, Export and Import and a Global Business SourcingCompany. Our main business is on exports and imports and also we embarkon bringing exporters and importers within Asia and Africa togetherwith manufactures of export goods in Asia and to the rest of the world.We focus the states of West Africa ,North Africa, as well as the UnitedArab Emirates and rest of the world. Furthermore, we are proud of ourworldwide distribution network that represents almost all productdivisions. Global Success International Co. Ltd is your contact formultichannel marketing your existing product, or to open the market foryour new product. We are manufacturers of new products representativesand we ensure the creation of market for new products.We also help import and export companies source for a particularsuitable product from a particular country thereby providing the needsfor their markets. We source for the products you have been searchingfor and bring you face to face with the manufacturer.You have marketing opportunities or inquiries about a specific product,but cannot obtain it? - contact us. We can use our excellent existingnetwork for your sales, as well as for obtaining individual productsaccording to your needs. Global Success International Co. Ltd is in theunique position to make all purchases and sales independently, as wellas acting on your behalf as an intermediary. And more over, we are alsoavailable to help you on a national level and we give suitable businessadvice regarding doing business in countries where you are not familiarwith their business requirements. We also source for reliable shippersto ensure that even if you are not present, we could get the goodsacross to your country and you just start to market.Please contact us for any enquiry and more information. Please check onProducts page to see the products we have for exports.
Global Success International, Export and Import and General Business Sourcing |