Ladies and gentlemenI have been in business for last 12 years, and I have seen alot difficult people to do business with. But I have not seen cheating business man, Except one when I made a business deal in Easteren Europe country called Lithuania and City is Klaipeda and the address is as follows. JSC "Inform USA"Aleksandras SaveikisAddress: Sauliu str. 39, Klaipeda LT-92224, Lithuania. Phone: + 370 46 313 434Mob. : + 370 656 877 00Fax: + 370 46 313 355It is my job to tell all the Business communities about this person and has company. He is bigest Lier in the world please beware of him do not send him any money in advance, yoou will not get your money or product. In 12 years this frist time I was cheated by so called business man. I have sent money to companies in China but never been cheated. This guy is not worth doing business with. Yours sincerellyNaqi Shah
Ladies and gentlemen I have been in business for last 12 years, and I have seen alot difficult peop |