Your own sales / buying office in Spain.


Juan-Miguel Ferri

For further information, please do not hesitate to put in contact with us.

If you are sourcing in Spain, we can check the production process of your orders, look for new suppliers and give you any support you need.

If you want to expand your business saving the costs of your own establishment, we can work for you as your sales office in Spain. We can look for customers, receive orders, market your products, give the post-sales services... all these services will be given by Spanish qualified staff.

Our company provides representation services in Spain & Europe.

We can act as your sales / buying office in Spain, check for new customers / suppliers, give you commercial support and informat

  • Place of Origin:Spain
  • Country:Spain
  • telephone:34-965-82 32 11
Place of Origin: Spain
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Your own sales / buying agent in Spain.

Place of Origin:Spain We can act as your sales / buying office in Spain, check for new customers / suppliers, giving you support and information. ...

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