Train to Sapa departs from Hanoi Railway Station to LaoKai the Chinese border town and return. You will need the transfer services from Lao Kai to Sapa (36km).All the best trains are night train and departs from Hanoi at 9.15 PM and arrives LaoKai at 6 AM.The night train from Lao Kai departs at 8.15PM and arrives Hanoi at 5AM.The arrival time could be slightly changed due to the weather condition and Vietnam Railways schedules.Belows are the rates of the bests train Hanoi - Sapa Hanoi. The rate is quoted in USD/person bases o?n the sleeing berth with A/C of the shareing cabin of 4 berths.If you have special request for the Train services, please contact us This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .To Check Avaialability & Book Train This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , please give us the number of person and the date of departure and return.