It is another important QC work from us to check the quality of package. We find that a quite number of products damaged result from poor we will give factory advice to improve the package
We will refuse the products having serious quality problems,and enforce factory to re-produce them.And if we find some small flaw or trouble,we will ask factory to do best to improve it, and meanwhile, we send the QC report to customer immediately.
We check the quality of products and package before the shipment or in the producing stage to ensure that the quanlity on shipment conforms to clients requirements.
We check the quality of products and package before the shipment or in the producing stage to ensure that the quanlity on shipme
QC agent: | QC agent |
Agency Fee: | 150USD-280USD |
Agent Number Limit: | QC agent |
Required Agent Type: | QC agent |
Model Number: | QC agent |
Brand Name: | QC agent |
Place of Origin: | Zhejiang China (Mainland) |