Virtual tours is a new and efficient presentation tool, that allowsattractively demonstrating real places for a wide audience be it astate, city, national park, resort, museum, production etc.
Unlikealready widespread media formats photo albums, postcards, films etc.,virtual tours offer an interactive way of exploring places thanks tointeractive panoramic images visitors are given a
possibilty to getinto a place, and also choose their own sequence of viewing places,viewing points and any other additional information photographs,texts, sounds or video.
Virtual tour isbased on spherical 360? panoramic photographs (images). Locating aplace either through a map, from a list of objects or a range ofthemes, an interactive 360 image of a place opens
up. It allowsvisitors viewing the place in any direction (both horisontally andvertically), similarly to how it takes place in reality. Thistechnology gives the effect of as if being inside of a
place andensures maximal immerson into it.
To make publishing, editing and renewing of content of a tour in theInternet and on CDs easier, we have developed a special WEB/CDmultimedia publishing platform. The platform ensures
unlimitedbroadening of content scope and flexible further development of thetour.
Tailor-made multimedia virtual tours to present your business, city, country... |