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Click fees are billed separately by the search engines, up to the monthly budget you specify. You can increase or decrease your monthly click budget as needed. You will need to provide payment means for the search engines in order to get started.
You have the freedom to fully control your budget by selecting how many keywords will be used in your campaign on a monthly basis. Obviously the more keywords you will be targeting - the more traffic and sales to your website.
There are no hidden fees, and no mark-up fee on top of what the search engines will charge you.
This method reflects the amount of work that is required on our part and unlike other pricing methods, it provides our customers with a clear definition of our monthly fees, so there are no surprises at the end of the month.
Pay Per Click campaigns are not made equal and usually differ in size and budget. We measure our efforts according to the number of keywords per campaign, the more keywords - the larger the campaign.
There is always place for further improvement.
That includes suggestion and implementation of PPC campaign improvement, including changes to Title/Description of your ads, keyword list modifications, and bid adjustments.
This is an ongoing iterative effort where we will constantly optimize the campaign based on the tracking reports and overall performance over time. Our goal is to increase the traffic to your website, maximize the conversion rate and reduce your costs.
You will receive monthly reports so you can clearly monitor your campaign effectiveness, your expenses and the return on investment (ROI).
We perform a month-end analysis of campaign performance, including individual keyword costs, conversions, and performance trends.
We will work with your staff to implement campaign tracking and conversion modules.
Usually we recommend using the tracking tools offered by the PPC Engines, however, if you need to measure the overall performance of your online marketing efforts (SEO plus PPC) you may want to consider our offering.
Tracking the conversion rate is the most important part of any PPC campaign. If you cannot track conversions, you will not know how to measure the success of a PPC Campaign.
Landing page is the first page the user will see when clicking your ad. We will identify the best existing destination and recommend improvements to maximize your site usability and conversion rate.
We write custom and unique creative ads (titles and descriptions) to help maximize click thru and conversion rates. We will constantly monitor the ad effectiveness to maximize the Click Through Ratio (CTR), or in other words how many searchers (impressions) actually clicked on your ad.
We will establish and monitor the numerous Account Settings (daily max spend, match type, countries, time zones, etc.) to have your paid campaign up and running as soon as possible.
This is an iterative process that constantly needs to be evaluated and optimized.
It takes a lot of research, gut feel and experience to really come up with an effective keyword list, where the ultimate goal is to understand how your target audience think when they look for your products or services.
Building a list of search keywords is perhaps the most important task in any online marketing campaign. This is not easy as it may sound and surprisingly, most people do not know what keywords are actually being used to find what they are offering.
Armed with this information we will be able to strategically plan your PPC campaign and make sure it aligns with your expectations.
Before we get to work, we would like to get your thoughts on various topics. Here are some of the questions you will be asked:
There are many elements to consider before setting up a PPC campaign. You need to have a well defined strategy and plan ahead before execution. This takes into account your campaign objectives, your monthly budget, the timeframe and much more.
PPC is a good strategy to get started and potentially long term if conversions warrant it. Compared to organic SEO it generates immediate results. It also enables you to target numerous keywords at once, and quickly realize which keywords are the most cost effective for your website. Armed with this knowledge, you can optimize your SEO campaign to incorporate the primary keywords.
Let us help you to get ten times the traffic for less money!
Being a busy business owner we understand that you have enough on your plate and most likely you lack the time and experience to manage an effective campaign.
If you've ever advertised on Google, you know it's not a walk in the park. You can set up an account and get visitors in a matter of minutes, yet a day or two later your bids get cancelled. Your ads are disapproved. You pay way too much for clicks.
Yes, you can probably do it yourself and get some traffic to your website. However, it will cost you more, a LOT more and the end results will probably not meet your expectations.
Yes, you can probably do it yourself and get some traffic to your website. However |