We provide complete digital publishing services for both print and online formats. Taking clients from planning to publication, our services include concept creation, digital design for print and web, photography, graphic design, desktop publishing, printing, and even distribution. We match the right mix of these services to our clients' communication goals, maximizing the impact of our expert translation and copywriting. And our multilingual technology enables us to prioritize quality, without sacrificing speed. Advantage Links is also experienced at localizing existing web sites to suit the language and cultural particulars of different target markets. Primary Languages-Click for samples (PDF)If files do not display, download Acrobat reader by clicking the icon at left. JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanVietnameseFrenchGermanItalianSpanishArabicRussian (a total of 31 Asian and European languages available).
We provide complete digital publishing services for both print and online formats. |