We today offer a very valuable, firstchoice generic Brand-Domain named "Fabrication. Cn" which does directly communicate the Offer / Exchange of "Products fabricated in China". China is a heavy
growing market to serve any needs of productions,manufacturings and fabrications. Also the chinese Internet is explodingrocket-like and so do the number of domain names...The growth ofchinese
domains on CN-toplevel is now on the #1 toplevel of allcountry-domains worldwide. To reach out for a international +self-explaining cn-domain name is becoming very difficult.
"fabrication.cn"is a very valuable generic Domain which can be realized (for example)as an international Business-Development + Transaction-Portal for anykind of Chinese Productions. It can be
managed exclusively for just oneCompany or as an open plattform for many different production- andmanufacturing-brands.
The domain "Fabrication.cn" communicatesjust what is says: As a supplier for any choice of products which canbe produced in China. As a web-portal with databased-matching it cansatisfy requests and
biddings and bring demands and appropriate offerstogether.
Interested in this offer?
We are a German Internetagency specialised on brandstrongOnline-Communication. Our know-how offers experiences of morethen 25 years Marketing and 12 years in Internet business, servicingsmall and
bigsized Companies of different branches. More information willbe send immediately.
Our Agency will realize a dynamicwebsite on the basic of your briefing. If you like we will add acreative collection of brandmarks and show some different ways ofdesignwork. Please just send us
some details of your business and thetargetgroups which you want to communicate with. ... In return you willreceive a calculation and a timeplan.
We are also willing tosell the Domain "fabrication.cn" with all rights for your ownimprovement. Please contact Mr. Niklas Doose.
Thanks for your attention in this matter
Niklas Doose
CEO of the German Edition.de Agency
First choice domain-name offered to manage business demand: "fabrication. Cn"
#1 business domain: | incl. website |
Model Number: | 1 |
Brand Name: | fabrication.cn |
Place of Origin: | China (Mainland) |