Cat. No.
Pack Size
Pack Insert
Guanidine Thiocynate Powder
50 gm
Guanidine Thiocynate Powder
100 gm
Gel loading buffer is specially formulated for non-denaturing polyacralamide and agarose gel electrophoresis. The gel loading solution contains bromophenol blue, the tracking dye
and sucrose to add density to facilitate sample loading. EDTA has been included to inhibit nucleases that require divalent cations and SDS has also been added to help dissociation
of DNA protein complexes, which can interfere in electrophoresis. Bromophenol blue is the most popular tracking dye used in alkaline and neutral buffers systems. Xylene cyanol is
another useful tracking dye.
Guanidine Thiocyanate is white powder. It is a Chaotrophic agent and b denaturant, solubilizes cell.
Recommended Usage
Add 1 volume of gel loading solution to 2-5 volumes of samples and mix well.
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