ORDER NOW - Whole Cell Stains
Whole Cell Stains
Product# Price Image Product Name Pack Size Ex/Em (nm)
8403201 -
Whole Cell Stain (green) 1 x 96 493/518 SELECT
8403202 -
Whole Cell Stain (green) 5 x 96 493/518 SELECT
8403301 -
Whole Cell Stain (orange) 1 x 96 550/568 SELECT
8403302 -
Whole Cell Stain (orange) 5 x 96 550/568 SELECT
8403401 -
Whole Cell Stain (red) 1 x 96 654/673 SELECT
8403402 -
Whole Cell Stain (red) 5 x 96 654/673 SELECT
8403501 -
Whole Cell Stain (blue) 1 x 96 350/450 SELECT
8403502 -
Whole Cell Stain (blue) 5 x 96 350/450 SELECT
Details All Product Numbers
Figure 2. Sub-confluent NIH 3T3 cells stained with Whole Cell Stain Blue and 7-AAD (nuclear stain) for 15 min. Cell images were acquired on an ArrayScan HCS reader with a 20X objective lens, and
individual cells in the image were identified using the Cellomics Morphology Explorer BioApplication; cell-to-cell separation was achieved using the Watershed object segmentation algorithm option
in the Morphology Explorer BioApplication. Similar Cell Separation Index measurements made with Whole Cell Stain Green, Orange, and Red using DAPI as a nuclear stain also provide good cell-to-cell
Figure 1. A549 cells stained with BrdU antibody and DyLight 488 secondary antibody (left) and Whole Cell Stain Red for 30 min (center). Overlay (right). Cell images were acquired on an ArrayScan
HCS reader with a 20X objective lens. Whole Cell Stain Red does not interfere with BrdU detection.
These stains are intense, highly photostable and match the output wavelengths of common fluorescence instrumentation. Effective image analysis in HCS cell-based assays and fluorescence microscopy
requires fluorescent labeling of the entire cell. In these assays, the cellular primary object is used to identify and count individual cells and define the cell region in which the image analysis
is applied. The primary object might be a major cellular component, such as the nucleus, a large organelle or the whole cell. When the whole cell is the primary object, high-quality Whole Cell
Stains effectively distinguish intact cells from bordering cells when analyzed by appropriate software.
Product Detail
The Whole Cell Stains provide excellent staining for HCS assays and fluorescence microscopy.
The Whole Cell Stains provide excellent staining for HCS assays and fluorescence microscopy |