ORDER NOW - HCS Reagent Toolbox Kits
HCS Reagent Toolbox Kits
Product# Price Product Name Pack Size
8404901 - Whole Cell Stain Toolbox Kit 1 x 96 SELECT
8404902 - Whole Cell Stain Toolbox Kit 5 x 96 SELECT
8405001 - Rabbit Antibody Detection WCS
Toolbox Kit 1 x 96 SELECT
8405002 - Rabbit Antibody Detection WCS
Toolbox Kit 5 x 96 SELECT
8405101 - Mouse Antibody Detection WCS
Toolbox Kit 1 x 96 SELECT
8405102 - Mouse Antibody Detection WCS
Toolbox Kit 5 x 96 SELECT
Details All Product Numbers
Figure 1. Example three-parameter specific detection of nuclei, whole cells, and a rabbit primary antibody that is specific for phospho-AKT. Experiment represents AKT activation in 3T3 L1 pre-adipocytes treated with IGF-1. The three images are the same cells detected with all three stains but visualized through their separate fluorescent channels. Cells were treated for 10 minutes with IGF-1 in media containing no glucose or serum after 24 hour growth factor starvation to measure AKT activation. Bottom images are two-channel color overlays of phospho-AKT plus nuclei or whole cell channels. For more complete information about this specific experiment involving AKT, see the Phospho-AKT Activation Kit .
All of the Toolbox Kits contain Whole Cell Stain (WCS) Green and Hoechst Dye (for nuclear staining), as well as various other reagents and buffers necessary for immunofluorescence labeling and
detection. The Rabbit and Mouse Antibody Detection WCS Toolbox Kits also contain a secondary antibody for detecting target-specific antibodies and are formatted for use with any mouse or rabbit
antibody specific for the target of interest. Cells stained using these kits also can be imaged using fluorescence or confocal microscopy. Thus, these kits provide the critical reagents and
protocolnecessary to simultaneously detect two or three staining parameters associated with most HCS applications.
Product Detail
The HCS Reagent Toolbox Kits consist of essential cell staining reagents validated and optimized for high-content screening (HCS) assays.
The HCS Reagent Toolbox Kits consist of essential cell staining reagents validated and optimized for high |