Also used: to cotton, as a metal cleaner in soldering, as a in tin coating and galvanizing, in fertilizers, in safety explosions and in dying and tanning.
The zero point of is determined by placing the in a mixture of ice, water, and ammonium chloride.
Biological applications include using it as an energy source for microbiological growth of organisms.
Ammonium salts are an irritant to the and may induce nausea and vomiting.
Ammonium chloride is also used for contact explosives, diuretic and systemic acidifying agent. It is used in the treatment of severe metabolic , to maintain the urine at an acid pH in the treatment of some urinary-tract disorders or in .
In several countries sal ammoniac is used to spice up -type dark ('s , 's , ' and the Danish are popular examples), and as a flavoring for .
Other uses include a feed supplement for cattle, in hair , in printing, in the glue that bonds , as an ingredient in nutritive media for , in cleaning products, and as . Its action is caused by irritative action on the bronchial mucosa. This causes the production of excess respiratory tract fluid which presumably is easier to cough up. It is also used in an oral acid loading test to diagnose distal .
Ammonium chloride is sold in blocks at hardware stores for use in cleaning the tip of a and can also be included in as .
Ammonium chloride (4) (also Sal Ammoniac, salmiac, nushadir salt, sal armagnac, sal armoniac, salt armoniack) is, in its pure form, a clear white water-soluble crystalline of . The aqueous ammonium chloride solution is mildly acidic. is a name of natural, mineralogical form of ammonium chloride. The mineral is especially common on burning dumps (formed by condensation of coal-derived gases), but also on some volcanoes.
Product Name:Ammonium Chloride
Product Name:Ammonium Chloride
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