5' or 3' CY5 NHS Ester
3' or Int CY3
5' CY3
5' or 3' JOE NHS Ester
5' or 3' ROX NHS Ester
5' or 3' TAMRA NHS Ester
5' HEX
5' TET
5'or 3' 6-FAM
5' TAMRA NHS Ester-3' Dabcyl
5' or 3' -S-S or -SH
5' HEX-3' Dabcyl
5' or 3' DIG
5' 6-FAM-3' Dabcyl
5' or Int Biotin dT
Molecular Beacons
5' or 3' Biotin
5' NH2 C12
3' Eclipse
5' or 3' NH2 C6
3' BHQ-2
Attachment Chemistry & Linkers Linkers Linkers
3' BHQ-1
5' Dabcyl NHS Ester
5' or Int dSpacer
3' Dabcyl
5' or Int Spacer 18
Dark Quenchers
5' or Int Spacer 9
C3 Spacer
5' CY5 NHS Ester-3' BHQ-2
5' CY3 NHS Ester-3' BHQ-2
5' ROX NHS Ester-3' BHQ-2
3' Dideoxy-C(ddC)
5' TAMRA NHS Ester-3' BHQ-2
Locked Nucleic Acids (LNA)
5' HEX-3' Eclipse
5-Methyl dC
5' HEX-3' BHQ-1
3' Inverted dT
5' HEX-3' TAMRA NHS Ester
Modified bases
5' TET-3' TAMRA NHS Ester
5' 6-FAM-3' Eclipse
5' or 3' Phosphorylation
5' 6-FAM-3' BHQ-1
5' 6-FAM-3' TAMRA NHS Ester
Dual-Labeled DNA Probes
dU or dI
Modification & Label 5 2 (90120 base) Synthesis of long chain 5 2 (6090 base) |
Synthesis of long chain 100 4 100 4 50 3 30 3 20 3 510 dual PAGE & HPLC
3 5 (60 base) Synthesis of general primers
methods Purification (Working days) Delivery times (O D s) Yield the content of Synthesis Regular Oligos more than 30 kinds of marked primer servicesCarried out on fluorescent-labeled primer is commonly used in molecular biology research tools,MEBEP TECH can provide customers with 3 'or 5'FAM, 5'HEX such as more than 30 kinds of fluorescent-labeled primers services Stringent quality assuranceThrough the automatic processing of orders,we can effectively avoid the human error. We provide OPC, PAGE, HPLC purification and other methods to select. All products undergo strict quality testing before shipment to customers. more advanced equipments for DNA synthesisPrimers in order to ensure the quality and throughput. MEBEP TECH is equipped with a number of advanced DNA Synthesis. We can provide customers with high quality and efficiency to all types of precision synthesis primer Synthesis time is shortAlmost all of the synthetic primer delivery time is not more than five working days. MEBEP TECH primer synthesis service characteristics MEBEP TECH has many years experience of primer synthesis. Our company equiped with many advanced DNA synthesis equipment, for example MerMade192ABI3900 and ABI8909. We used synthesis reagents all come from overseas. Daily production is up to 60,000 base pairs. We can ensure the best quality of production and timely delivery time. MEBEP TECH primer also provides a wide range of marking services: fluorescent-labeled primer, primer-modified group, double-labeled primers and other probes.
we appaly All kinds of DNA primers,Best products lowest price |