ORDER NOW - Cleaved PARP Detection Kit
Cleaved PARP Detection Kit
Product# Price Product Name Pack Size
8402701 - Cleaved PARP Detection 1 x 96 SELECT
8402702 - Cleaved PARP Detection 5 x 96 SELECT
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Figure 2. Staining of cleaved PARP in HeLa cells treated with vehicle (0.1% DMSO in media)(left) or with 1 ?M staurosporine for 3 hours (right). Cells were stained according to the kit protocol and
imaged using a Cellomics ArrayScan HCS Reader. Dose response curve for cleaved PARP intensity in treated HeLa Cells (bottom). Wells were scored using the output parameter of the average nuclear
intensity of cleaved PARP (Mean_CircAvgInt). Data represents mean
The Cleaved PARP Detection Kit enables detection and quantitation of cleaved PARP in the nuclei. |