SYSTEM P-180D is a two component 100% solids polyurethane primer. SYSTEM P-180D eliminates
long wait times and blistering of fast set topcoats normally associated with conventional solvent and water
based primers. P-180D significantly improves adhesion and film integrity of fast set polyurea and
polyurethane elastomers to a wide range of substrate. Anti-corrosive additives give P-180D superior
performance on steel in corrosive environments. P-180D has low viscosity and long pot-life, allowing easy
application with conventional spray equipment.
Substrate Preparation:
Substrate should be clean, dry and free of any loose or foreign material. Proper substrate preparation
will ensure optimum performance.
Metal: Should be blasted to a 2 mil profile for best results.
Concrete: Should be dry (new concrete should be cured for a minimum of 30 days) and
free of any laitance, scale or contaminants. For more details on concrete preparation see SSPC SP-13
/ NACE no. 6 or ICRI Guideline No. 03732.
Wood: Must be dry and free of contaminants.
It is good practice to apply the primer to a small test area prior to starting project. Presence of excess foam
in cured primer indicates moisture content is too high.
Thoroughly mix SYSTEM P-180D RESIN prior to adding ISO. Mix equal parts by volume P-180D RESIN and
P-180D ISO. Mix well to achieve uniform consistency. Mixed, uncatalyzed P-180D will have a potlife of
approximately 1 hour. Elevated temperature and/or addition of catalyst will shorten potlife. Mix only the
quantity you intend to use immediately. If a shorter cure time is desired Catalyst DA may be added. Add
Catalyst DA to P-180D RESIN and mix thoroughly prior to mixing with P-180D ISO. Do not leave mixed
primer in spray equipment longer than necessary.
Apply using spray, brush or roller. One wet pass is recommended. Do not cover the profile on blasted metal.
A heavier film will slow cure time and can produce film irregularities. Porous concrete and wood may require
a heavier film and back rolling to fill any voids. Avoid pooling in low areas. Primer does not need to be tack
free before applying topcoat. Touch dry is acceptable; however, do not put area back into service before
primer has completely cured - approximately 12 hours. Apply topcoat in multiple thin passes to avoid excess
exotherm. Exotherm can cause film stress in topcoat and pull away uncured primer.
Clean all tools and equipment with gun wash solvent. If product has begun to set a more powerful cleaner
(NMP,Allsolve, etc) may be required.
Return to Service:
Allow a minimum of 24 hours cure before putting into service.
14601 - 134 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5L 4S9 Telephone: 780-454-9166 Fax: 780-488-6134 |