Processor Intel Core2 Duo (Penryn) SL9400 (1.86GHz)
Penryn core architecture
Processor type Core 2 Duo
The highest frequency processor 1860MHz
2 6144KB L2 cache
Motherboard Chipset Intel GS45 + ICH9M
1066MHz system bus
Mobile platform Centrino 2 Platform
Product positioning tablet PCs, high-end, commercial, ultra-thin
2GB memory
Memory Type DDR2 800
Maximum support memory 2 memory slots, maximum capacity to support 4GB
SATA hard disk drive type
Hard drive parameter 5400
120GB hard drive capacity
Type Built-in optical drive, DVD
Processor:inter Core 2 Duo,1.Hz speed
Amt of RAM 2B,Hard drive:160
Diagonal screen size:12"......