MODEL : HB6W-C456H PROCESSOR Intel Pentium Processor 830(800MHz) Dual-Core Processor can provide immediate advantages for people looking to buy systems that boost multitasking computing power and improve the throughput of multithreaded applications. An Intel dual-core processor consists of two complete execution cores in one physical processor, both running at the same frequency. Both cores share the same packaging and the same interface with the chipset/memory. Overall, an Intel dual-core processor offers a way of delivering more capabilities while balancing energy-efficient performance, and is the first step in the multi-core processor future. RAM DDR 512M (400MMHz) CACHE 2MB L2 Cache GRAPHICS Unicromei Pro Graphics MAINBOARD 865G-M8 (supports "hyper-threading" technology) Chipset: Northbridge i865G / Southbridge 82801EB(ICH5)/ Built-in ICH 6 Channel Audio HARD DRIVE 250GB(S-ATA) 8M buffer ODD DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo Drive FDD None LAN 10/100M bps AUDIO 6 Channel Sound Codec (supports 5.1 channel sound and provides vivid sound system) INPUT DEVICE Haier Korean Keyboard / Optical Mouse POWER 350W CASE Haier Slim Luxury Case KEYBOARD/MOUSE Haier Optical Mouse, Keyboard OS Win XP Home A/S Center Haier National Service Center 1588-6645 Product's design and dimensions may be changed for quality improvement.
Intel Pentium Processor 830(800MHz) |