The Desktop installed on the Netpal by GS is an easy-to-use interface specifically tailored to kids, with an intuitive visual interface and instructions that make it easy for kids to
operate the computer.
Right out of the box, the laptop browser launches numerous kid-friendly websites for kids to explore.
The Desktop features a 2D gadget tray that displays bold visual icons for easy access to applications.
Rounding off the Netpals fun, kid-friendly features are a collection of 15 easily-accessible widgets, including a stopwatch, digital memo pad, which inserts reminder notes on the Disney
Desktop, and a calculator.
The Netpal is also designed with portability in mind. Its 8.9-inch screen in a compact and light weight chassis helps kids to easily carry the Netpal to the school or a play date.
With 5 hours of battery life, built-in webcam, microphone and wireless internet, the Netpal can operate hours on end without being plugged into the wall.
By choosing Windows XP Home as the platform for the Netpal by GS, kids can still enjoy this ultra-mobile mini-notebook as they grow older. The familiar and widely compatible Windows XP Home
allows for future software installs of programs such as Microsoft Office (not included) to help them with more advanced school projects.
Getting a head start in school has never been more fun and easier. The Netpal by GS is the perfect computer for kids to learn and grow up with.
Easy-to-use Kid-friendly Disney Desktop, Applications and Widgets
The Netpal by OEM is designed to be kid-friendly, both in terms of durability and content permissions.
Its rugged and durable, with a spill-proof keyboard that protects against inadvertent liquid spills. The Disney Netpal by ASUS ShockShield data protection guards against data loss
when the computer is subject to impact.
The Netpal also allows parents to create a web-safe computing environment with many parental control options.
Parents can pre-select email correspondence options, browsers, the websites their kids visit and the programs they use. These permissions can also be scheduled on a calendar,
providing parents with a convenient, automated means of granting access on the days and times that they choose.
Parents can also pull up data to determine where children spent time, and for how long, in the Disney Browser.
Additional websites can be added for access, but only if the parent approves and submits the request within the password-protected system.
Optimized for Web-Safety and Sports a Sleek Durable Design