Our mission is to provide our costumers with the best quality products and the services rendered, lower prices are always what we seek to perform, and also with the
section of the special orders we want to achieve the 100 % satisfaction of our costumers with the possibility to order exactly what they want from the textile industry.
Our company's goal is to become the leading provider of the Military, and the other uniforms in KOSOVA and wider.
Fnw is a local company that supplies: KFOR (NATO), POLICE, UN, different NGO's and PXs with patches especially made clothing collection, Uniforms, Jackets, Sportswear and other related requirements
of these organizations. The Factory of FNW is located in Prizren (KOSOVO). This Production Factory is directly controlled organized and supervised by FNW including modeling, design, and supply
procurement structure, production and quality inspection. This structure gives us such production capacity and flexibility that can provide our costumers with any required qualities and quantities.
We guarantee the highest quality standard of our products and the services rendered that are verified by different organizations that we are supplying with our products.
Fnw is a local company that supplies: KFOR (NATO), POLICE, UN, different |