Dax DX-905USB is a Pen Size USB 2.0 compatible WiFi LAN adapter. The innovative 802.11g standard lets the WiFi network become easier and faster by providing high data rate (up to 54Mbps) than before. Dax WiFi 802.11g/b USB Stick surely will bring you into such a high-speed network sphere. WiFi LAN is local area networking without wires, which uses radio frequencies to transmit and receive data between PCs or other network devices. DX-905USB is suitable for small or temporary peer-to-peer configurations, and the later is suitable for communication with the 802.11b/g compatible access points. PriceProduct: Dax DX-905USBList Price: Rs 1,620/-Description : IEEE 802.11b/ IEEE 802.11g 54Mbps Wireless USB LAN Adapter.
Dax DX-905USB is a Pen Size USB 2.0 compatible WiFi LAN adapter