Every online business seeks that particular edge to provide them with all the advantages they could get in the online market. Introducing Windows Server 2008, the most advanced web server with splendid features to date that could change your web hosting experience forever! Believe it or not, this is the edge you've been looking for! There are a lot of good benefits to choose EBiz Gold for your hosting choice. Here are just a handful of them!
Can you imagine how huge 300GB is?It is equivalent to the size of over 3 million web pages, 300 000 of images, 500 000 of email
Platform: | Windows/Linux |
Domain Name: | Free TLD Domain for life |
Email Account: | Unlimited |
Capacity: | 300GB |
Compound Mode: | Stand Alone |
Place of Origin: | Malaysia |
Brand Name: | Exabytes Network |
Type: | Hosting Services |