User Management: Make multiple users per company/branch/department/shift, user Access Rights Configuration for Data Safety and Software Access Control, creation of Admin. User
and Normal users in Software.
Company / Branch / Department Management: Manage data of multiple companies, branches and departments, feature to upload company logo and Name to be shown in all report
Shift Management: Create multiple shifts per branch per day, configure late arrival and overtime calculations, manage Lunch and Tea breaks timings, system can manage both day
and night shifts in 24 hours rotation and provision of Straight / Split Shifts.
Holidays and Leave Management: Manage the information of all allowed HOLIDAYS per year,manage Leave Applications, their approval or rejection status and assign allowed leaves
and unpaid leaves will be deducted from salary.
Employee Management: Manage all details of each employee per department along with Photo upload feature, assign Shifts so created to employees and Departments, manage Employee
Transfer / Resignation and search Engine for all data of Employees.
Payroll Configuration: Manage Allowances and Deductions, Bank Setup for Each Employee/Company/Department,Employee Salary Generation and maintain required details of Transaction
Contractor Management: Manage Data of Contractors and details of contract signed and manages count of number of workers coming daily on work.
Machine Configuration:Active Monitoring - watch details of employee entering / exiting office directly on your screen and manage multiple machines in one TA software.
Manual Entry of Attendance: Manage attendance of employees who are out of office for office work by manual entry and manage employee tour details.
Master Reports: Company / Branch / Department, Shift Master Report and Holiday and Leave Report.
Daily Analytical Reports: Daily Attendance Report, Early Arrival Report, Late Arrival Report, Early Departure Report, Overtime Report and Daily Absence Report.
Monthly Analytical Reports: Monthly Attendance Summary, Employee Summary Report, Individual Employee Monthly Attendance Report, Individual Department Monthly Attendance Report
and Detail Present Report with total overtime calculations.
Payroll Reports: Salary Package Report, Permanent Employee Monthly Salary Report, Monthly Salary Report of employees on Contract, Bonus Details Report, Bonus Summary Report,
Generation of Lateness and Absentees MEMO, Generation of Salary Slip in prescribed format, Overtime Report,Payable Summary, Annual Leave Dues Per Employee, Annual Air Ticket control per
Employee, Document Control with On-Screen, Reports, Email Alerts, Online Alerts and reports on Screen/Email on Documents handling & Expiry( Passport, Visa, Heath, Car Registration, Insurance
Cards Etc.