Holter Analysis Software
1) 12 lead/3 channel analysis
2) QRS template classification
3) Arrhythmia analysis
4) Heart Rate Turbulence (VE Chaos, HRT) analysis
5) Analysis of ST segment changes and evaluation of myocardial ischemia
6) Pacemaker analysis
7) Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome analysis
8) Atrial Fibrillation analysis
9) Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in time and frequency domain
10) Open communication interfaces of GDT/XML
11) Verified by MIT, AHA and NST database.
Minimum System Requirements
1) Intel Pentium 2.6 GHz or above
2) 2GB free space on hard drive
3) 1GB RAM
4) Minimum screen resolution 1024*768
5) 2 free USB ports
6) Compact flash reader
7) CD/RW Drive
Holter Analysis Software