Typical Pulsed Radar and EW simulation.
PPI/B-Sweep and A-Scope Displays, Freeze, Markers, CLS.
Receiver, variable Noise/deciBels, Threshold and Gain.
Antennas -Parabola, Cassegrain, Phased Array, 2D/3D Plots.
Variable Transmitter Power.
Processor functions - STC/FTC/IAGC/CFAR.
The Blake Chart and Max Range Plot.
Variable Target Parameters.
Variable Noise Jammer Parameters.
Variable Chaff Parameters.
PREP is a powerful, pulsed radar, simulator software, designed to assist with operator training, to teach concept of radar to students, and for use by radar Engineers. A key feature of PREP is the
integral Electronic Warfare capability.
PREP uses CBT to enable operators to vary radar parameters and then observe the effect on the simulated radar screen. PREP uses standard displays and signal processing techniques, which help to
familiarize students with typical, modern pulsed radar systems.
Pulsed Radar Simulation Software