Repair ECU - 5NR2.C5 M.M. 95160, Clear Immo
Repair ECU - 5NR2.C5 M.M. 95160, Delete Immo
Repair ECU - DCI Bosch
Repair ECU - DCI Delphi
Repair ECU - DCU3R Lucas, Clear Immo
Repair ECU - DCU3R Lucas, Delete Immo
Repair ECU - DTI Bosch ( 1 plug )
Repair ECU - DTI Bosch ( 2 plugs )
Repair ECU - FENIX1 BVA Siemens HC11, Delete Immo
Repair ECU - FENIX3 Siemens HC11E9, Clear Immo
Repair ECU - FENIX3 Siemens HC11E9, Delete Immo
Repair ECU - FENIX5 Siemens TMS374
Repair ECU - IAW 6R.2030 TMS370, Delete Immo
Repair ECU - SIRIUS32 Siemens, Clear Immo
Repair ECU - SIRIUS32 Siemens, Delete Immo
Repair ECU - SIRIUS34 Siemens, Clear Immo
Repair ECU - SIRIUS34 Siemens, Delete Immo
Software to remove Immobilisers from the supported cars. You will need a suitable programmer to read/write to the Eproms/Processors. Chip type and info on which pins to cut are provided by software where needed..
Renault Immo Repair
Renault Immo Repair Software to remove Immobilisers from the supported cars. You will need a suitable programmer to read/wri |