Phone number 91-80-32020355
Phone number 91-80-32023644
For more information contact our office at Bangalore.
Active technology is a reliable sms provider with blend of technology , service , innovation and quality as its primary concern to render bulk sms with efficiency and swifness . A premium sms provider also offers bulk sms reseller programme to allocate the bulk sms among their own set of clients or resell it resellers at customised price list to be delivered across bulk sms chennai, bulk sms jaipur and Bulk sms Hyderabad
With the onset of advanced sms software and sms api , the bulk sms across India has been made to deliver promptly , swiftly by rendering cheap sms services through web application and also the excel plugin to give the customer a customised message on their mobile.
The business communication technology has taken a giant leap in this decade with the advent of versatile bulk sms marketing techniques to withstand the intese competition. It is necessary to compete with the contemporaries to stand distinctly ahead.
Active Technology offers premium service in sending bulk SMS across India with latest technologies available.