Every organization has unique needs and business purposes. However, the importance of records management remains the same, as well as some key theories of records management: Information must be managed from creation to disposition (document lifecycle). Information must be managed by value, not by media.
Retention management enables a business to reduce costs and reduce legal risk by managing the life cycle of documents through their creation, use, storage and destruction. Retention Management ensures files are moved efficiently and consistently from more expensive active filing space to less expensive inactive filing, and eventually to destruction, based on the legal and useful life.
Retention Management
View Electronic documents
Request and Transfer physical files
Add, Update and Delete records
iAccess provides remote access to electronic and paper records via web browser.
Web Access to Information via iAccess
Login Reports Report all successful logins and failed login attempts.
Operator Reports Report system activity specific to an individual operator.
Object Reports Report system activity specific to a single record in the system.
The Audit Trail reports will report on the following activity:
Access to Confidential Information. The Audit Trail monitors when a user gains access to an area where confidential data or documents are stored.
Modifications to Records (Add, Edit and Delete). Changes to the records are captured and available in the Audit Trail reports.
Successful Logins and Failed Login Attempts.
The Audit Trail feature enables Smeadlink Express to monitor and report system activity. The Audit Trail will monitor the following activity:
Audit Trail
iPublish provides users with the ability to publish electronic records to CD for distribution. The distributed CD can then be viewed from any web browser.
Document Publishing via iPublish
Improve security and provide greater control of files from the central filing.
Increase employee productivity by enabling employees to quickly locate files and documents, whether files are located in the file room or checked out to another employee.
Decrease the time it takes for employees to locate files.
Reduce the number of missing or lost files.
Bar Code Tracking provides the following benefits to an organization:
Bar Code Tracking enables users to quickly determine the current location of paper file folders and documents by performing a check-in/check-out activity when files or documents move from one location to another. Bar code tracking is used to track files and documents to locations, employees and boxes. System users can quickly view the current location of a file as well as view tracking history information. Tracking can also be done at the document level. Documents can be tracked to files, employees or boxes.
Bar Code Tracking
Smeadlink Technology Further Details:
Audit Reports
Requestor Exceptions Report
Compliance Report
File History Report
Productivity Report
Missing Documents Report
Retention Reports
Pipeline Report
Processing History Report
Smeadlink Express Management Reports:
Color Coded File Labeling*
Retention Management*
Deficiency Tracking
File Requesting
Web Access to Information via iAccess*
Audit Trail*
Document Publishing via iPublish*
Express Workflow (Document Routing and Reporting)
PC File Management
MS Office Support
Paper File Tracking
Barcode Tracking*
Document Imaging
Smeadlink Express Technologies: Please see below for further details*
Reduce Legal Risk
Monitor System Activity
Improve file room performance
Report on workgroup activity
Improve information access
Automate workflow processes
Speed up collaborative tasks
Eliminate workgroup down time
Improve business processes
Smeadlink Express gives you complete control over all documents, both paper and electronic, used throughout an organization. Bringing together document management and records management, Smeadlink Express offers a complete package to manage the document life cycle according to best business practices. Manage valuable information with Smeadlink Express using document retrieval, reporting and Express workflow.
Reynolds expertise in file tracking software assures your system will be up and running quickly and your users will be thoroughly trained. Our technical support staff provides custom integration and on-going, local service and support.
Smeadlink Express from Smead Software is a powerful file tracking software. In addition to tracking paper files, Smeadlink Express manages all different types of documents and information, ranging from hard copy paper files to imaged documents to files created on desktops or batch data from large host databases. All of these technologies integrate together seamlessly in the Smeadlink Express user interface to make management of multiple document types easy and intuitive
File tracking is a very simple process by which a folder's barcode is scanned every time that file moves. While the basic tracking function is simple, there are a great number of features that typically need to follow: retention scheduling, usage & overdue file reports, color label printing, etc.
Files may be needed in an emergency.
Regulations require file usage history reports.
File are often difficult to locate or completely lost.
Files leave the building.
Files are often out of the file storage area during times when they may be required by others.
There are several situations where tracking paper files is important:
There are several situations where tracking paper files is important |