Product highlights:
2. You can simply track your stock or mutual fund positions in multiple portfolios, even with various online brokers. Using Simply Track you can bring all account data together for monitoring multiple portfolios and watch lists with up to 30 different parameters, including buy & sell, gains & losses, net gain & wash sales as well as total portfolio values for both long and short positions. Note that the IRS requires (and Simply Track reports!) all including those inadvertently accrued across portfolios. You can also generate reports like individual Stock Gain/Loss, Asset Allocation, Sector Allocations and much more.
1. With you can import all your trades from various brokerage accounts and generate your Schedule D with a click of the mouse. Don't spend hours doing wash sale calculations for your capital gains tax forms, Simply Track will do it all for you. You can even export your Schedule D into .TXF format for importing into any tax software program that accepts TXF files such as TurboTax and TaxCut
, is an easy-to-use stand alone application that simplifies portfolio tracking and IRS Schedule D generation. If you are an active trader then you landed into right place and you need Simply Track for your tax reporting and portfolio analysis. Product is plain, simple, feature packed software. You can use Simply Track in 2 ways.
All New Simply Track 3.0 is released |
All New Simply Track 3.0 is releasedFor limited time , Unlimited trades, just $49.99 |