CareWorks offers web-based architecture for CMMS solutions. Meets the requirements of borderless operations with multiple sites and large maintenance teams. CareWorks was developed on a pure
web-based platform with MYSQL databases.
CareWorks is provided on an ASP* basis via a monthly fee; there are no upfront or other costs.
CareWorks very quickly pays for itself in providing monthly savings much greater than the monthly fee. In addition, by removing the initial capital cost of a server and the ongoing cost of
maintaining it, CareWorks also frees up resources for other projects.
*ASP - Application Service Provider - We host the system on our web-server; you use it.
CareWorks - A Complete Solution
Allows your employees anywhere anytime access to the system. No upfront costs. We host the system, and help you use it to achieve continuous improvement in your operations.
CareWorks Provides
Access on an ASP* basis
On-line implementation and training
Updates and bug fixes