Application Overview
Hosted eCMS is developed on a Software as a Service (SaaS) application platform where both users and Computer Guidance Corporation access and operate the feature-rich, fully integrated
construction management software over the Internet through a highly secure Web portal. Users leverage the identical powerful financial, project and productivity management applications for
their business-critical processes as the traditional enterprise-class eCMS system. The managed services solution eliminates the need for upfront investment, on-premise installation and
ongoing management of an IT infrastructure. As a result, architectural, engineering and construction companies subscribe to a pay-as-you-go business model while driving increased
productivity and operational efficiency. The easily deployable Hosted eCMS enables construction companies to quickly execute any or all of the 28 eCMS applications, and implement new
product upgrades virtually within a data center environment. The Tier IV data center provides increased reliability, redundancy and security with guaranteed uptime and performance