A large microprocessor company uses Bluespec to quickly model new architectures for next generation processors and synthesize the models to evaluate the performance in FPGA emulation
A large computer company uses Bluespec for exploration of processor architectures and successfully booted Linux on an FPGA-based processor model within 11 months of the project start
A large wireless semiconductor company uses Bluespec to accelerate verification and performance validation using synthesizable testbenches running on emulation systems
A large handset company uses Bluespec to optimize modem micro-architectures and accelerate verification using synthesizable testbenches
A large semiconductor company uses Bluespec to develop highly configurable IP blocks for their wireless platforms
A prominent IP company uses Bluespec for executable specifications and C models delivered to customers in advance of synthesizable RTL
A systems company specializing in hybrid computer systems for special purpose applications uses Bluespec to parameterize building blocks for quick configuration and composition of high-performance
FPGA blocks
A Sampling of Applications
Key Benefits
Bluespec is much different from a behavioral synthesis solution, which starts with software and tries to implement a hardware architecture for it. Instead, Bluespec is a very high-level hardware
design solution that keeps the designer 100% in control of the architecture and micro-architecture you own the architecture so that you have optimal control over area, power, performance and
latency. Bluespec synthesizes architectures to RTL or SystemC.
Key Features
The Bluespec Compiler (BSC) compiles a high-level model, transactor, testbench or implementation into Verilog RTL or SystemC.
Own Your Architecture
Bluespec Compiler (BSC)
The Bluespec Compiler (BSC) compiles a high-level model, transactor, testbench or implementation into Verilog RTL or SystemC. |