After running a tool from The Network Toolkit on a USB drive or CDROM, no trace is left on the machine. All temporary files, Registry Keys, and other remnants are removed. For forensic computer specialists this makes the toolkit particularly useful, since they can leave the investigated machine in the same state as they found it. With traditional Windows software installers, software has to be removed using the Add/Remove Software tool in control panel. For software run from The Network Toolkit, once the program is closed, all traces are gone from the system.
The Network Toolkit is the only product that allows for easy and regular updates to all the important Open Source networking and security tools on Windows. With key Open Source developers on its staff, CACE Technologies is uniquely positioned to know when there are significant defects or security issues. Customers of The Network Toolkit can stay a step ahead of potential problems by purchasing the annual subscription service.
No other product makes it so easy to carry your tools with you. Unlike other network troubleshooting software, the traditional software installer process is not needed because of unique technology in The Network Toolkit. While administrators could go to the net and download an Open Source tool like Wireshark and all the necessary libraries, with the Network Toolkit all the leg work is already done.
Open Source security and network tools are the most powerful in the world, but for many running Linux isn't practical. With The Network Toolkit, Windows administrators have an easy method to take advantage of network tools like Nmap and Wireshark. In addition to security and networking tools, The Network Toolkit includes the Cygwin Shell environment, so administrators who are used to the Unix shell environment will have one at whatever Windows system they find themselves.
A free trial version with only 7 tools is available. The tools are: Angry IP Scanner, Dialupass, DriverView, ngrep, PuTTY, WinDump, and a DOS Command Prompt.
The Network Toolkit comes in either a one-time download or a 12-month subscription that provides regular updates. In either case you can download the toolkit and install it on a USB or CDROM drive. The subscription service updates are an easy way to get timely updates for both Open Source and other security tools like Wireshark and Nmap.
Every system administrator finds themselves working at machines which don't have tools like Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) installed. Rather than take the time to download Wireshark, and the supporting libraries like WinPcap, administrators can now take their tools with them and run them directly from a USB drive or a CDROM drive. After a program like Nmap is closed, no trace is left on the host system. With more than 50 system, networking, and security tools, The Network Toolkit allows administrators to have their tools and use them too.
The Network Toolkit comes in either a one-time download or a 12-month subscription that provides regular updates.