Supported Controllers: DMC-40x0, DMC-21x3, and RIO-471xx Ethernet controllers, and DMC-18x6 and DMC-18x2 (Rev D and up) PCI controllers
Powerful and easy to use GalilTools Communication Library for use with VB, C#, C++ and more. Includes onInterrupt, onMessage, and onRecord events for easy event-driven programming. Note: The version bundled with the GalilTools installers below is currently in Beta.
Efficient, high-speed communication drivers for Galil controllers
Automatically displays all available Ethernet, serial and PCI connections
Operates with Windows XP x86 and x64, Vista x86 and x64, and Linux x86 and x64. Other platforms upon request
Dock feature for docking or floating tools
Multiple Document Interface (MDI) allows display of multiple editors, tiling and cascading
Easy-to-use interface provides toolbar for access to frequently used tools
Watch Tool with units for displaying controller status such as I/O and motion
Tuning Tool for automatic and manual PID tuning of servo systems
Scope Tool with trigger displays up to 8 channels of real-time data
Terminal Tool for sending and receiving Galil commands
Powerful software tools for Galil controllers
GalilTools-Lite is available at no charge and contains the Editor, Terminal, Watch and Communcition Library tools only.
Product Features:
GalilTools runs on Windows and Linux platforms as standard with other platforms available on request.
The Communication Library provides function calls for communicating to Galil Controllers with C++ (Windows and Linux) and COM enabled languages such as VB C#, and Labview (Windows only).
The Tuning Tool helps select PID parameters for optimal servo performance.
The Watch Tool displays controller parameters in a tabular format and includes units and scale factors for easy viewing.
The powerful Scope Tool is ideal for system analysis as it captures numerous types of data for each axis in real-time. Up to eight channels of data can be displayed at once, and additional
real-time data can be viewed by changing the scope settings. This allows literally hundreds of parameters to be analyzed during a single data capture sequence. A rising or falling edge trigger
feature is also included for precise synchronization of data.
The Program Editor Tool allows for easy writing of application programs and multiple editors to be open simultaneously. The Terminal Tool provides a window for sending and receiving Galil commands
and responses.
The Galil Tools set contains the following tools: Scope, Editor, Terminal, Watch and Tuner, and a Communication Library for development with Galil Controllers.
GalilTools is Galil's set of software tools for current Galil controllers. It is highly recommended for all first-time purchases of Galil controllers as it provides easy set-up, tuning and analysis. GalilTools replaces the WSDK Tuning software with an improved user-interface, real-time scopes and communications utilities.
The Galil Tools set contains the following tools: Scope, Editor