Organize Your Farm Data - By collecting and storing farm data in computerized form, you allow yourself more freedom to make the data work for you. Year after year, field after field, everything
that is done on your enterprise is saved and can be recalled in an more thumbing through paper files or wishing you hadn't thrown that old notebook away.
Collect, Manage, & Report Farm Data with Ease!
Summit and Stratus
With SSToolkit you may view fertility recommendation maps created by your fert/chem dealer, review weed scouting reports and maps from your agronomist, display aerial images as a background layer, and view any other layers of data created in SSToolbox or SSToolboxLite.
SSToolkit is a full-fledged GIS designed primarily for farmers to map farms and fields, calculate acres, organize site-specific data, and process yield data.
Designed for Farmers
Like SSToolbox and SSToolkit, SSToolboxLite uses the farm field boundary to organize all pertinent information relating to the field, such as soil types, soil fertility, yield results, hybrid/variety selections, remotely-sensed imagery, aerial photos, chemical applications, and crop scouting.
SSToolboxLite is SSTs intermediate level of GIS software for production agriculture. It contains the same mapping capabilities of SSToolbox and SSToolkit, and efficiently produces fertility recommendations like SSToolbox, by using interpolation to estimate unsampled areas based on known sample points.
Toolbox Lite
Designed for Fertilizer & Chemical Dealers
Precision agriculture includes data acquired with yield monitors, soil testing, GPS, GIS, satellite imagery, and variable rate technology.
Precision farming has been described as doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right place with the least impact on the environment. However you view precision agriculture, you cannot
just say it is only one technologyit is a combination of several.
Turn Your Agricultural Data into Valuable Information!
We has solved the above problem by making software for every level. From easy-to-use in-field GPS data collection tools, to high-end GIS software, to outsourced data processing in a SST Information Lab
The agriculture software industry has always been the tale of two extremes. You could either buy a low-end record-keeping package that amounted to little more than a spreadsheet or you could invest in a high-end GIS that had more functions than you needed.
The agriculture software industry has always been the tale of two extremes. |