It's very common for employees to see Administrators fixing their PCs via remote access and misreport a virus. To prevent this, the Blank remote Monitor, Disable Mouse and Keyboard' feature has been introduced. This allows an Administrator to darken the screen of the PC they're working on.
When a user needs to be changed and a PC's resources refreshed, this setting can be used to quickly restore a PC to its standard login screen.
This feature allows an Administrator to switch off every PC with a Host Module in a LAN. This saves the Administrator from having to manually visit each computer at the end of each day.
Note: PCs will need their '' function enabled in their BIOS settings.
This feature allows an Administrator to switch on every PC with a Host Module in a LAN. This is particularly useful in settings such as schools where all power operations must be simultaneously conducted.
Power Management options makes a System Administrator's work a lot simpler:
Power On This feature allows an Administrator to switch on every PC with a Host Module |