Consulting - AmazonTech engineers will assist you to appropriately tile, sequence and index your image database in your chosen SQL database engine
Image Sourcing - AmazonTech is an authorized reseller for IKONOS high resolution satellite images and can assist customers to populate their MapBack database with appropriate data sets
GIS Client Application - The MapBack application suite also includes a world class GIS application client from Manifold?*, specially customized for the MapBack data server allowing easy vector data
manipulation and enabling import and export capabilities to many other applications and data formats such as AutoCAD (DFX), ArcView (SHP) ArcINFO (E00), TIGER Line and MapINFO
AmazonTech, the developers of MapBack, provide a variety of customization and support services to assist customers with successful deployment of MapBack:
Web Server: The MapBack application is tightly coupled with the Microsoft Internet Information Server. This means that image databases are accessed using the TCP/IP protocol, and SSL data cipher if
required. Because MapBack uses a standard Web server configuration, it co-operates with standard HTTP packages, firewalls, and proxy servers without the need for special configuration or
Extensibility of MapBack: With MapBack users can develop and integrate their own applications using any Active X compliant language such as Visual C++, Delphi, Visual Basic and Visual J++
Image Storage: MapBack uses a native connection to the MS SQL Server 7.0, or other ODBC data sources such asOracle, Sybase or MS Access. Images are stored in relational tables as Large Binary
Objects in a variety of configurations so that they can be tiled, scaled, filtered and layered upon request. This optimization of the database on the server side delivers greatly superior
performance to that provided by traditional operating system file structures and minimizes the use of bandwidth. All standard image formats such as GIF, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX and CMP are
Image Management: The MosaicIT? application client for MapBack is used for automatic images slicing and sub-set editing
The MapBack architecture therefore leverages the power of existing protocols and standards to enable the rapid deployment of a value added image database.
The image requests along with the XML parameters are routed by the MapBack application from the Web server to a standard SQL database that is used to store the image library. The optimized indexing provided by the SQL database means that image retrieval time is minimized, even for very large image databases. The appropriate image and external data (e.g. vector graphics) are then returned to the client application through the Web server.
The image requests are expressed in XML format, in order to specify the required images characteristics such as: image size, image resolution, or GPS co-ordinates. XML is also used to dynamically inject data from outside sources such as vector layers or text annotations.
variety of TCP/IP client applications, such as standard Web Browsers, custom client applications, or JAVA applets.
The MapBack application suite runs in a standard web server environment. Requests for images can originate from a
MapBack System Architecture
MapBack is ideal for any project that involves the retrieval of images and dynamic integration with external data. For example, MapBack has been used in an application that enables flight planners to instantly call-up map images and overlay flight plans on those images.
MapBack overcomes many of the problems inherent in such massive image applications: effective image storage and retrieval, intuitive image navigation, display of multiple resolution images, and on-the-fly integration and overlay of external data.
The MapBack application suite provides an off-the-shelf solution to organizations that need to create value-added interfaces to large image databases.
Combining large image database with external data sources for dynamic display on the Internet
Image Management: The MosaicIT application client for MapBack is used for automatic images slicing and sub-set editing