Aviation Soundscape Builder
The Aviation Soundscape Builder allows you to hear background sounds recorded in your own neighborhood, how different window conditions might affect aircraft overflight noise and how sound
insulation might provide additional reduction of the noise. This Soundscape Builder can help homeowners decide whether or not they want their homes to be sound insulated. For a demonstration
Transit Soundscape Builder
The Transit Soundscape Builder lets you hear how different modes of transit affect the noise environment.
Soundscape Builder
Soundscape Builder is a matrix format designed by HMMH to permit users to create, listen to and compare different soundscapes. The basic Soundscape Builder demonstrates how different sounds can be
combined to produce realistic soundscapes. It encompasses a variety of man-made and environmental noise sources and configures how different sounds interact with each other and impact noise levels.
Soundscape Builder is a matrix format designed by HMMH to permit users to create, listen to and compare |