Business role Before CTW After CTW
Timekeeper "It takes ages to get to all the various transactions for fixing employee time issues, as I have to jump throughout the SAP system." "I save time daily because I can view multiple
employees, and CTW is so easy to use!"
Time Approver "I spend a lot of time determining which employees need their time approved, and having to check other data prior to making that decision." "My task list tells me which employees I
have to worry about, while CTW allows me easy access to the other data I need."
Central Time Support "We are continually answering questions from our timekeepers and walking them through certain employee time issues." "With CTW, we can design a task and steps for particular
issues. We can also add documentation describing how to fix issues, which assists timekeepers to work faster and independently."
Easily accessible policies and procedures
CTW allows you to view the company policies and procedures related to any task or step. With the option to add explanations and further information to each task and/or step, the resolution of time
issues is simplified and accelerated.
Single, easy-to-use screen with relevant data
The user interface of CTW groups the appropriate SAP Time functions together with different profiles for different user groups. This gives you access to data such as Calendar information, Quota
data, standard SAP transactions and various reports. You thus have instant access to all the employees you are responsible for and can view single or multiple employees CATS and HR Infotype data.
This function of CTW works in both Concurrent Employment (CE) and non-CE SAP HCM systems.
Company-specific status checks
CTW is installed on top of your existing SAP system and includes EPI-USE Labs standard status checks. With CTW you have the ability to include company-specific status checks with ease, which
provides additional flexibility for determining which employees have time issues.
Task-orientated problem resolution
CTW guides you through the problem-solving process by creating a task list that shows you employees with time issues and the steps needed to resolve the problems. This task list is generated
automatically and can be refreshed at any time while you are working.
The CATS Time Workbench (CTW) empowers a timekeeper/time approver by simplifying the day-to-day management of employee Time data. The user-friendly and intuitive interface guides you through your various time correction processes. CTW is flexible and extendable, and provides instant access to all the data you need regularly. This product is an enhancement of standard SAP Time functionality.
Simplified access to all your critical time information and functions
Simplified access to all your critical time information and functions |