After the extremely successful Asianux1.0 was released in June of 2004, it quickly became a major Linux distribution on the Asian enterprise market, thanks to its excellent performance, high stability, unique management tools and powerful local technical support. Currently, more than 30,000 copies of Asianux1.0 are shipped with "Red Flag DC Server4.1", "MIRACLE LINUX V3.0" and "Haansoft Linux 2005". Asianux1.0 has already received positive support from customers and partners. Many national organizations in Asia choose Asianux to run their key applications, including China Post, Japan Waseda University, Korean National Education Information System( NEIS), a huge Linux based project including 2,300 Linux servers.
Asianux Server 1
After the extremely successful Asianux1.0 was released in June of 2004