For more information about UT phased-array probes or UT phased-array systems for NDE, please visit our colleagues at .
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For more information about our CIVA NDT simulation / NDE simulation software, please feel free to contact us today.
Figure 3: A RT inspection of a casting.
The RT module can predict direct and scattered radiation for either an x-ray or a gamma ray source. Pre-defined libraries are provided in order to easily define the specimen and defect materials, the source parameters and the detector characteristics. Users can also manually modify the different input parameters to see their effect on the results. Unsharpness can also be taken into account.
CIVA RT Modeling
Figure 2: A ET inspection of the potential flaws in a planar part, such as an airplane wing.
The ET module allows the user to compute the voltage variation due to a defect for different configurations. A multi-sensor mode allows the user to compute simultaneously different acquistion modes (absolute, differential, separated transmit and receive), and data from different frequencies can be quickly compared. The Remote Field Eddy Current Technique for ferromagnetic tube inspection is also available.
CIVA ET Modeling
Figure 1: A Phased Array UT inspection of the potential flaws in a weld.
A wide range of UT probes may be easily defined (immersion or contact, focused or flat, single element, dual-element or phased-array). The probes can operate in Pulse-Echo, TOFD or Tandem mode. For phased array probes, CIVA makes it possible to define, compute, visualize and export different types of focal laws which can be associated with standard or advanced electronic sequencing.
CIVA UT Modeling
CIVA currently models the following types of nondestructive technologies:
Simulation can also be used extensively for inspection qualification and for training purposes. CIVA is a valuable tool to optimize inspection accuracy or probability of detection while minimizing inspection time, and this is why CIVA is playing an increasing role throughout industrial inspection.
CIVA 's fast, realistic reproduction of inspection configurations makes it easy to compare experimental and simulation data. Thus improving the understanding of physical phenomena. As an expertise tool, it helps to enhance flaw detection and characterization techniques. When designing inspection methods and probes, the ability to modify input parameters coupled with fast calculation time allows extensive design of experiment studies to be performed, reducing iterative design steps. Comparatively a costly mockup gives few options to modify these parameters.
NonDestructive Evaluation [NDE] also referred to as NonDestructive Testing [NDT] is widely used to examine critical components