one/single equated instalment, and/or
differing-multiple equated instalments, over a period of time, on
monthly basis,
bi-monthly basis or
quarterly basis.
Here, you could ensure of the exact interest rate being involved, in 3 different ways, i.e.
arriving interest rate from given equated instalments
arriving equated instalments from given interest rate
arriving interest rate from given flat interest rate
The workings could be over the period, from 3 months to 25 years, making it very much suitable even for evaluating varied housing finance schemes.
Basis :: The structure of EI schemes may include the following criteria
Basis 1 :: Equated Instalments - It may be monthly,bi-monthly or quarterly basis
Basis 2 :: Interest rests - It is an important aspect, segragating real interest rate from semi-flat interest rate. Interest rests may be monthly,bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly, or any
cut-off date say 31/3
Basis 3 :: Quote/Rate :: per lac per month i.e. PLPM - It may be one/single, ordiffering/multiple. It may be given as PLPM, or as such amount of instalment.
Basis 4 :: Timing of Payments - Date of disbursement, Regular payment date as 1 or 7 or 11,etc, Number of Instalments in advance, Moratorium i.e.regular start of instalment from which month
Basis 5 :: Financial Charges/Gift Schemes - User defined 4 slots for varied financial charges/gift schemes
Basis 6 :: Entanglement of Security Deposits, structured as - Amount/Percentage of SD, Date of receipt, Rate of Interest, Interest rests as monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly, Interest
payable basis as payment at end or adjustment in instalments, Principal repayment as per schedule or as adjustment in instalments, etc.
Reporting :: You will find the reporting to be simple emough will all necessary notes and expalantions
Report 1 - Ranking of the schemes :: This report will present the interest rate and other relevant parameters of the varied schemes in a columnar format, enabling effective vis-a-vis comparision of
the schemes and alternatives. You may have simultaneous evaluation of 10 schemes together. In all, under 3 options, you may evaluate simultaneously 30 schemes together.
Report 2 - Equated Instalment report :: Reporting month-wise and year-wise for each scheme.
Report 3 - IRR report :: A detailed report - datewise - specifying how the interest rate is arrived and how the present value factors are involved. A clear note with respect to interest rate is
appended. You will clearly be made known as to interest rate is really reducing or it is in the nature of semi-flat interest rate. A clear impact as of the security deposit on the interest rate,
will also be separately emphasised.
Report 4 - Finance charge report :: A detailed report - datewise - applying the interest rate as arrived, cross-verifying the interest rate and segregating the interest debit/credit and principal
Report 5 - Security deposit report :: A detailed report - stating all the parameters of security deposits including interest application, interest rests, interest payment or adjustment, principal
repayment or adjustment, etc, etc
EI Schemes may be of
EMI - Interest Structuring Software Packages is useful to both, borrowers and lenders, and is named as CIIP+ :: Complex and Intricate Interest Rate Procedures. As the name suggests, this package works out the interest rate for the varied type of EI schemes. A very growing need is felt for EI loans, in view of its simplicity and convenience to borrowiers and lenders
EMI - Interest Structuring Software Packages is useful to both, borrowers and lenders |