All surgeons (especially who performs endoscopic procedures)
Gastroenterologist (colonoscopy, ERCP, esophagoduodenoscopy etc.)
Orthopedists (arthroscopy etc.)
Physicians who perform bronchoscopy
Urologist (cystoscopy etc.)
Obstetricians and Gynecologists (USG, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, hydrolaparoscopy, colposcopy)
Pediatricians (USG, fetal echocardiograph etc.)
Cardiologist (echocardiograph, angiography etc.)
Internal medicines (USG etc.)
All physicians who need video and image capture for their patients
MediCap is suitable for medical professionals below:
MediCap has capable of working in a network (suitable for hospitals or medical centers).
MediCap can be controlled by Joysticks-Gamepad (wireless) or Foot Pedal. You dont have to be near the computer and use your hands during video and/or image capturing.
The MediCap saves the images-videos by patient identity for later review, reporting, e-mailing or printing. The MediCap also gives you the ability to annotate your images with text, lines, shapes and much more.
MediCap has a DICOM unit which is much more than a DICOM viewer. It can get DICOM informations automatically from DICOM files and can make a new record based on these informations. In other words, MediCap is a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS).
MediCap has a CD-DVD writing unit to write images-videos and audios to CD-DVD disc including Blu-ray and HD-DVD.
You can directly dictate your operation notes or patients notes to MediCap.
MediCap can edit captured videos (like Microsoft Movie Maker) and images (like Photoshop) and export them to PDF file for printing and e-mail. It also has a dynamic report unit for reporting your patients informations and images.
This is MediCap.
In addition to video and image capture, this complete system should include patients information unit (search for a patient, patient based recording), video editing, video processing (displays your
institution logo and patients informations on video), annotation on video during capturing, network or internet streaming (suitable for workshops), image editing unit, scanner unit, audio record
unit (directly record audio on your video), e-mail unit, dynamic report unit, a complete DICOM unit (especially for USG, CT and MRI images), backup and restore unit, foot-pedal & wireless gamepad &
joystick unit (for hands free) .
There is one for all these and much more.
Nowadays, analogue recording using film or video is gradually being replaced by digital technology for reasons of quality and convenience. However, recording your procedures digitally only is not enough. There should be complete system which is network based to manage your procedures.
The digitally recording of surgical & endoscopic procedures, microscopic examinations, ultrasonographic & echocardiographic evaluations etc. either as still images or movies has become the standard
practice across many specialities.
The digitally recording of surgical & endoscopic procedures, microscopic examinations,